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L-Acoustics to Demo AVB-ready Systems

L-Acoustics’ demo’d their newly launched Kiva II ultra-compact line source, as well as the KS28 reference subwoofer and X Series of coaxial enclosures, at the AES shot. The demos...


David Keene on the AV Path to Purchase

As you read this, you are already planning for 2017. And in this booming market for AV in general, and AV staging for live events, you’re probably planning equipment...


David Keene on InfoComm

NewBay Media would like congratulate Wallace Johnson, Vice President of Business Development at MertzCrew, for his appointment as the Chair of the InfoComm Live Events Council. InfoComm Live Events...


Userful and WG Electronic Transparent Videowalls

Userful and WG Electronics have partnered to deliver transparent videowall solutions. WG Electronic’s transparent displays show product information in the foreground while the product itself or anything else can...

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