News and updates from the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation

New Product Poll: Which Coaster Design Do You Prefer?

Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation | Oct 4, 2018

The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation licensing team is looking for your feedback.

As the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation licensing department works to develop new products to further the Foundation’s mission to make Wright’s work accessible to the public worldwide, we invite you to share your thoughts. Let us know in the poll below which color scheme of these Oak Park Home and Studio art glass windows coasters you like best.




Which of these color schemes do you like best?

Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation licensed products represent refined style, through the expression of the integral relationships between the natural and the man-made, and between material and design. Whether a reproduction of his original work, or new works that are derived from Wright’s timeless ideas, designs, and architecture, all products licensed by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation further the Foundation’s mission to make his work accessible to the public worldwide.

News and updates from the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation