
The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation is a mission-driven, fiscally prudent, and financially stable 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with a commitment to public transparency. We are proud to report that 94% of the Foundation’s budget goes directly to preservation, education, and programs, with only 6% spent on fundraising and other overhead costs combined. This puts the Foundation in the upper echelon of all nonprofits in terms of mission-drive efficiency.

We are pleased to offer you copies of:


2021 FORM 990




In 2021, the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation introduced new experiences at Taliesin West, including Chihuly in the Desert. In our 2021 Annual Report, we illustrate how we utilize our resources, including financial support from individuals and philanthropic organizations, as we strive to see Wright’s architecture for better living in action — connecting us with nature, art, and each other — as well as introduce new audiences unfamiliar with Wright’s work to our campuses.




News and updates from the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation