News and updates from the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation

Sandra Day O’Connor Institute Presents “Frank Lloyd Wright, Democracy, and the American Landscape”

Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation | May 12, 2021

Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation President & CEO Stuart Graff speaks to the O’Connor Institute about Frank Lloyd Wright’s relationship with Democracy and the American landscape.

Founded by retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, the mission of the Sandra Day O’Connor Institute For American Democracy is to continue her distinguished legacy and lifetime work to advance American democracy through multigenerational civics education, civil discourse and civic engagement.

The O’Connor Institute recently invited Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation President & CEO Stuart Graff to speak to its Patrons Circle about Frank Lloyd Wright’s relationship with Democracy and the American landscape. You can watch the presentation below.


Thank you to the Sandra Day O’Connor Institute for inviting us to participate in this important discussion.

News and updates from the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation