Inspire Kids with the Gift of Wright


Dear Friends,

The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation has recently launched a variety of free virtual offerings for kids including Virtual Summer Camp and the Frank Lloyd Wright Virtual Classroom, an online learning experience for K-12 students. The Foundation is dedicated to providing quality STEAM education experiences to challenge young people around the world to be critical thinkers and creative problem solvers. Our offerings aim to combine fun, real-world lessons with Wright’s famed principles of organic architecture and solutions-based design. These online lessons and camp projects will introduce students to hands-on activities that encourage them to think critically and creatively.

In these difficult times, our living rooms and kitchens have become our new classrooms. Through this unique array of online learning, we are creating an opportunity to have students experience the outside world and be inspired by our greatest architect of all time, Frank Lloyd Wright.

Please share these special virtual experiences with family and friends. We are pleased to provide Virtual Summer Camp, Virtual Classroom offerings and Family Activities free of charge, and we hope you will consider making a donation. Your support helps the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation keep their staff employed and creating education programs at this critical time, and long into the future.


With Gratitude,

Kevin Conley
Vice President of Public Engagement
Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation





The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit institution whose mission is to inspire people to discover and embrace an architecture for better living through meaningful connections to nature, the arts, and each other.

Make a tax-deductible cash donation and support the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. 



News and updates from the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation